About the company



Zakład Wodociągów, Kanalizacji i Oczyszczalnia Ścieków “WOD-KAN” Sp. z o.o. (Water Supply, Sewerage and Sewage Treatment Company)

Abbreviated name:

Zakład „WOD-KAN” Sp. z o.o. in Mława

Company’s location:

Płocka street No. 106
    06-500 Mława


- 100% of shares in the company are owned by the Municipality of Mława

KRS (court registry):

-Regional Court for M.St. Warsaw in Warsaw, 14th Economic Department of the National Court Register KRS No. 0000106568

Commencement of operation:






Share capital:

PLN 512 000.00

Zakład Wodociągów, Kanalizacji i Oczyszczalnia Ścieków „WOD-KAN” Sp. z o.o. in Mława is a commercial law entity which is a public service provider. Its paramount objective is to carry out the tasks of the municipality in the area of sewerage and water management within the territory of the city of Mława. Each day we exercise utmost care so that water be supplied continuously and its quality and taste fulfil the expectations of Mława residents. The supplied water comes from the municipal underground water intakes, i.e. deep-water intakes, from Tertiary and Quaternary water deposits. Taking care of high quality, the company regularly carries out testing of water from all of the intakes and water pipelines. The facility also fulfils the needs of the city in terms of sewage collection and treatment.